School Enrollment Policy

Children who enroll in 4K and 5K must meet age requirements that have been established by the Wisconsin State Legislature. To enroll in our 4K program, children must be four years old by September 1. To enroll in our 5K program, students must be five years old by September 1

Admission Policy

Applications for enrollment by Zion Lutheran Church Members will receive first priority. Current school families will receive second priority. All applications for enrollment by new students are reviewed by the Principal as they are received, and are if approved, are accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

  1. Reason for Application: Students and parents must accept the purpose and policies of the school.
  2. Class size for which the Applicant Applies: Enrollment shall be limited to provide reasonable classroom management within a productive learning environment.
  3. Students with Special Psychological, Emotional or Intellectual Needs: Students who cannot be served within the school’s regular program of instruction may be referred to an LSS (Lutheran Special School) Resource Room or other schools which are designed to meet such needs.

In all cases, whenever a child transfers from another school, a conference will be conducted between parent and school principal before an application is accepted.

Nondiscrimination Statement

Zion Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color national or ethnic origin in the administration of its policies.

For more information about enrolling your student at Zion Lutheran School, please call the school office at 262-781-7437 or email Principal Peter Lorenz at

Costs of Education

The cost of educating a child at Zion Lutheran School is over $9,000. Zion Lutheran Congregation views education at the elementary and secondary level as their mission and thus subsidizes over $7,000 of each child's fees in grades 5K-8. This is a significant investment made by the Congregation on behalf of the children.

Families who are members of Zion Lutheran Congregation in need of additional financial assistance should contact Principal Peter Lorenz. Families who are not members of Zion Lutheran Congregation are asked to first look to their families and friends and their home congregation to request financial assistance before seeking financial assistance through Zion Lutheran Congregation.

Zion Lutheran School participates in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program and the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program. The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP--for Milwaukee Residents) and Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WCPC--for families living outside of Milwaukee) provide a voucher that covers the cost of private school tuition for children of families who qualify. Online registration for the MPCP and WCPC open February 1 for the following school year. Parents whose students are currently in the MPCP or WCPC must reapply each year and provide residency verification, but do NOT need to complete the income verification step. Parents whose students are not currently in the MPCP or WCPC must complete the online application and provide both residency verification and income verification. Families currently in the MPCP and WCPC are encouraged to reapply ASAP to ensure that they will have a Choice seat for the next school year. Families that are not currently in the MPCP or WCPC are encouraged to check the income limits for the program to see if they might qualify. Go to the DPI website to submit your online MPCP or WCPC application. The DPI website contains complete information about the Choice application process, including income limits and instructions for completing the online application.
